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Saturday, February 5, 2011

This one's for the ladies...

Ladies, ladies, ladies... as much as you may think that strength training is not for you, let me reassure you that it is of the utmost importance for your health and longevity. Research has shown that weight bearing exercise strengthens bones and ligaments and becomes extremely important for women once their bone mass reaches its highest possible density. This often comes as early as age 20 for some women, but can be extended to the age of 25. After this age, your bones will not get any more dense and it's up to you to maintain what you have. This is why there is such a focus on calcium enhanced foods to prevent osteo-related problems later on in life. Strength training is the key. I've even included a link to Dr. Oz because I know some women out there are thinking "If I use weights I'm going to end up looking bulky and manly". Ladies, you're not going to get bulky or manly for one simple reason... You don't have balls. More scientifically and simply, you don't have testicles that release testosterone, which make men... men. (They may also be responsible for poor dinner table manners, release of toxic gases, poor memory and the inability to impress in-laws)

Okay, so you've decided to start a strength training regime. Where do you start? OutFit is about training for everyday life. Therefore, the most logical place to start would be compound movements. Below is a list that you can start with, simply using your own bodyweight. No barbells or dumbbells needed. The reason why you're starting with just your own bodyweight is because your day to day tasks probably don't require you to move too much and these exercises will be more than enough as a starting point. Start a routine with 12-15 repetitions and 3 - 4 sets of these exercises one after the other. Once you get proficient you can start adding some resistance. It can be as simple as a set of dumbbells. But if you don't have that, I used to train my mom using a bag of rice as weight. Use whatever you have. Just a note, this is a very basic beginner routine. If you've been weight training already, you will need a more comprehensive prescription.

Examples of Compound Movements:

1) Squats

2) Lunges

3) Step-ups

4) Split Squats

4) Deadlifts

5) Burpees

6) Squat + Press

Mastering these basic movements will ensure a good base to build your exercise regime on. Now, I'm not saying trade in your yoga membership for a gym membership but as I'm sure they say in yoga, seek balance. Ladies, if you have questions, leave a comment and hopefully one of us can answer it for you.

Follow this link for the Dr. Oz page on women and weight training.

Quan, OUT

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ryan's Journey - Yoga Part 1

So the gym at my school has not slowed down yet.  It is packed.  And I hate it.

So I have been looking for alternative ways of working out.  I went to the rock climbing gym.  It was a good workout.  Specifically I enjoyed the bouldering.  I haven't gone back.  I don't know why.

On Wednesday we had a snow day and the gym was closed.  So I couldn't go in at all.  But I really wanted to exercise, so I looked online at the prices for the local yoga studio.  It was $30 for 2 weeks of unlimited yoga.  So I went for it.

Now something you need to understand is that I am the least flexible person in the world.  I cannot touch the ground when I bend over.  For someone who considers himself an athlete.  That is AWFUL!  I am embarrassed of this.  So yoga is very intimidating for me.  Being in a room with a bunch of very very flexible people and not being able to do anything is quite a challenge.  I like to win. And I do not win at yoga.

But... I'm trying.  I am tackling something that is a huge challenge for me.  I am doing Hot Yoga, which I have done a couple times before with Quan in Toronto.  I like it.  You sweat like a beast.
Hopefully it will help me become more flexible.
I went to a class Wednesday and Thursday and I am going back today.  Then I will take the weekend off for super-bowl fattening and get back to both yoga and weight training on monday.  I really like yoga.  It is a challenge for my muscles and for my mind.  It is everything that OutFit is about.
I have the pass for another week and a half so I will probably write two or three more updates about the my journey in yoga.  Stay tuned for that.

Find me @Applesunltd

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


When we talk about strength we often speak of it in physical terms, however strength can come in many different forms. For example, the strength between two brothers, the strength of a leader, or even the strength to cope with the loss of a loved one. As I reflect on the various types of strength that an individual or group of individuals can possess, I truly believe that we all have the strength to give. This may mean giving to a friend or an enemy, something big or small, shiny or dull, each and everyone of us has the strength to give. So to whoever is reading this blog, whether it just be my fellow brothers or the entire world, the next time you have the choice to give, practice a little selflessness and find the strength to give.

Learning as I go

I am learning as I go here and I hope you will join me.  Any resources you find, post em up in comments.  Any ideas or corrections you have for my ideas please post em up.

So far this year I have made a couple big changes.  I am eating better for the most part.  Its a slow switch and I have had a few relapses into old unhealthy habits but for the most part, my fridge and cupboards are full of whole grains, fruits and veggies.

It feels good.

I am trying to sleep better.  That is still a work in progress.

I am trying to exercise better.  Make gains etc.

So far, the New years push has not died down in my gym.  It was packed in there yesterday.  I could not get an elliptical (I have bad knees and the treadmill is not an option) so I rowed.  Rowing is new for me, and tough as hell.  My back hurts every time I do it.  I just don't have the muscles yet to be able to row for a long time.  I did 3K yesterday.  I am hoping to work my way up to half an hour straight by the end of the semester (I do 3K in about 12-14 min, but I need to stop to rearrange my back/catch my breath).  So there it is. Goal #1.

Goal #2 is from my doctor.  I went to the doctor for the first time in years and I went to a doctor here on campus.  She was asian, and I tell you this so you understand that my conversation with her felt like it was straight out of a Russell Peters sketch.

Doctor: You not fat.  Maybe you lose 5, 10 pound.

No joke.  Thats what she said to me.  So here I go.  Losing 10 pounds.  I am currently 6 feet tall and 205 pounds.  Need to get down to 195 and I am looking forwards to it.

So 2 goals.

1. Row 30 min straight
2. Lose 10 pounds

Join me in figuring it out.

First thing.  I need a workout plan.  I have a basic one for this week but I'll be working on a phase plan to get me through to june.  Here we go.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm CEO... B*tch!

For the last few posts, the audience has been somewhat dismal and consisting of the 4 people on this blog plus our newest follower, spankyfinch. Regardless, the time has come to introduce OUTFIT to the world. Or at least bring it out of secrecy. This momentous occasion calls for a post...

I recently viewed The Social Network and right off the bat must give credit where credit is due. It's a fantastic film. Jesse Eisenberg was spot on in his portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg. (At first I thought he was just being annoying, but later Googled a video of Zuckerberg speaking and... well... yes) Regardless, you're probably wondering how does a programming genius relate to training? Like so, in The Social Network Zuckerberg is pulled and twisted by a number of different people, his true friends, investors, Sean Parker played by Justin Timberlake, future Olympians and litigator after litigator. Even with the bombardment of ideas Zuckerberg stays true to his original vision for his stolen creation. (Yes, he stole it) How can this help you're training? Well, right about now is when the New Year's Eve crowd of wannabes should be making their exit from the gym. Their motivation has worn off, the excitement of going to the gym has turned into a monotonous chore and the 10 lbs they lost actually nets them +5lbs because of the 15lbs gained over the holidays. This, however, may be the time you're also thinking of making your exit. Things are getting busy at work/school/home/life, if you take a break this week, you'll get back on the horse next week, right? WRONG! When everyone is making their exit, you keep pushing forward leaving those lazy bastards behind. Stick with what you started. Don't lose sight of the goal you set 4 weeks ago and just like Zuckerberg did to all of his "friends", be an asshole to everyone around you until you get what you want! If you started a new training program at the beginning of the year, like I did, now should be about the time you're moving on to the next phase, or taking a "de-load" week. As much as I hate hearing people say "You know man, I'm mixing it up, keeping my body guessing", now is the time to mix it up, keep the body guessing. The way those other idiots are using it is completely wrong. Let me assure you, they are spinning their wheels.

If you didn't start your new year with some lifestyle changes, eating healthier or being more active, now is the perfect time to start the journey to better health. (Actually anytime you decide to start is the perfect time). It doesn't take much and can be as easy as taking a walk in the morning with your dog, your loved one or hot stepping it solo. Whatever you choose, go out and do it. I find that February is a great time to start a training program because the gym is clearing out and it's exactly 16 weeks until June, which is pretty much summer for us in Canada. That's more than enough time for you to elicit some change in your health. In the next couple of weeks, we will be posting some sample programs to help those of you looking for a general program. If you also look through the past blogs you'll see some circuit workouts we've done. You are more than welcome to give them a shot. Matt's are more beginner level and mine are a little more advanced. Start where ever you feel comfortable. Welcome to the world of OutFit!

Quan, OUT