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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


When we talk about strength we often speak of it in physical terms, however strength can come in many different forms. For example, the strength between two brothers, the strength of a leader, or even the strength to cope with the loss of a loved one. As I reflect on the various types of strength that an individual or group of individuals can possess, I truly believe that we all have the strength to give. This may mean giving to a friend or an enemy, something big or small, shiny or dull, each and everyone of us has the strength to give. So to whoever is reading this blog, whether it just be my fellow brothers or the entire world, the next time you have the choice to give, practice a little selflessness and find the strength to give.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. We have been caught up in our own endeavors, our own goals, our own pursuits that we have lost sight at the purpose of our knowledge and experiences, and that is to share them. OutFit is about improving each day. And through this site we will share our knowledge and experiences to hopefully change the lives of who ever chooses to visit it.
