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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Exam's are life sucking organisms that do not allow for much exercise, fun or blogging. I have not been to the gym in a week and I completely blame exams. The new year is always a busy gym time because everyone makes it their new years resolution to start working out. I generally give it a few weeks before people give up. A 3 day blizzard has me currently trapped in my apartment (aside from a little snow football here and there) and so working out is not in the forecast for the foreseeable 2010 future. Peace out until the new year.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5, 2010

Warm Up –

1) Chin Ups w/ Vest x Max

2) Push Ups

Sets – 3

w/ Vest for 30 sec - 3 Sets

1) Squats

2) Push Ups

3) SL Lunge (L)

4) SA KB Swing (L)

5) SL Lunge (R)

6) SA KB Swing (R)

7) Burpee Stand Ups

8) Lateral Hurdle Jumps

9) Quick Hands

10) Quick Feet In and Outs

11) MB Core