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Thursday, June 23, 2011

A New Beginning...

It has been quite sometime since this blog has seen a post but for good reason. OutFit has been busily training, perfecting our craft and making ourselves useful bodies of the world. As we constantly try to challenge ourselves physically and mentally we devised the challenge called "Fat Man's Club". Now this is a club where membership is frowned upon and exile from it is seen as euphoric. Our newest member to the OutFit team is Taylor West. He is a literary mastermind who's quirky 19th century English quotes often add confusion and looks of "WTF" to our workout sessions. Nevertheless, he has developed a constitution of the "Fat Man's Club" which we will abide by.

Propositional Rules for the 2011 "Fat Man's Club"

Any good Fat Man's Club has a constitution so, what follows, is my modest proposal for the rules of our club.

1) Any consumption of obvious candy (chocolate, ice cream, etc.) shall result in a donation of $1
2) Any consumption of luxury baked good (cookies, muffins, croissants, etc.) shall result in a donation of $1
3) Consumption of fried foods (wings, fries, jalapeno poppers, etc.) shall result in the same.
4) Pops, sodas, soft drinks, root beer floats shall fall under the category of "candy"
5) Donations will add together when various rules have been broken (i.e. wings and fries shall result in a donation of $2)
6) Beer, for the sake of not ruining summer will fall under a special category. All beers beyond the 3rd of the week (i.e. beginning with 4) with result in a $1 donation. However, the first three are exempt.
7) Clear cases of pigishness (that 3rd hot dog, second pound of wings, second burger, etc.) will be a $1 donation
8) The pot will be spent on sweet gear.

As with anything we do here there is a purpose to this. Many of us function on a work to reward ratio. This Club works on the same basis. It is a motivator for us to make healthy nutrition choices but also adds the element of competition, something we are all to familiar with. Competing with friends to see who can lift the must, run the fastest, jump the highest or eat the cleanest are all tools with the same purpose, to elevate your game. Find a friend with similar goals as you and challenge them to see who can lose the most weight by a certain date, who has the better 5k time or who can rep out the most pull ups. Make fitness and your goals fun.

Train hard my friends,
Quan, OUT

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