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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ryan's Journey - Yoga Part 2

So since my last post I haven't done as much yoga as I initially intended but its still been really good.

I went last night to a Moksha Flow class.  It was fantastic.

There are so many intricacies to yoga that I don't think I can ever master, but an understanding of can help one be a better athlete and train better.

One principle that I think can apply to anything is being in the here and now.  We all do it, we let our mind wander.  For example, just now I was studying respiratory physiology, but I could not get a blog post out of my head, so here it is.  I could not stay in the here and now with my studies and it will probably come back to bite me later.  But it applies everywhere.  In yoga they say to focus on your breath to bring you back.  But whatever it is, focusing on the moment can give you excellent results.  It can help you push for that extra rep or set and it can help you better yourself.  I for one will try to do that more often and I am hoping it will help my training.

The flexibility is a long haul.  As some who know me have pointed out in the comments of my last post, I cannot cross my legs very well.  Its not comfortable for me.  But yoga is helping me change that.  I feel better even though I have only gone a few times.  I will continue to go and I know I will keep making gains on my flexibility.

I am also strengthening my feet.  This may sound weird, but I have horrible feet.  They are flat... like really flat.  No arch at all.  That makes them hurt, it makes them weak.  It makes it hard for me to balance because my feet hurt.  Not my leg muscles, the soles of my feet.  I can feel yoga straining these muscles in ways that I have not felt in other forms of exercise.  I look forward to seeing some gains from that.

I am easily the worst person in my class.  I go with my workout partner here at school.  He has done yoga for quite some time and is quite good at it.  I can't hold Dancer's Pose for more than 5 seconds.

But you know what.  I'm not giving up.  In fact, being this bad has only strengthened my resolve to do more and to get better.  I encourage you to give it a try too.  Don't let it replace your strength training routine, let it me a day off kind of thing.  Go, stretch and feel good.
I feel unbelievably good when I'm done.  I hope you will too.

Find me @Applesunltd

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